About me
My name is Isabella Chiu.
I wear many hats.
First and foremost, I am a lover of food. I love most things related to food, whether it’s eating, cooking, grocery shopping, or just browsing beautiful food photos. For the past few years, my go-to activity has been hunting for the best croissant wherever I find myself.
But also, I am the proud self-published author of Let’s Get Boba! I have a background in management consulting and work in strategy and operations today.
I started this newsletter to document and share many of the topics that I find myself teasing apart with my friends, mentors, colleagues, and acquaintances. These topics span from my experiences as an Asian-Canadian leader in the workplace to my late night ponderings about building my career to advice that I wish I’d been given.
Happy reading – if you ever have any questions for me or topic requests, I’m all ears. Leave me a comment on any bi-weekly newsletter!
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