Wow, I'm about to take one and I'm extremely nervous about not having an income stream.

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Having a budget and realistic sense of what you can and can't take on financially during the time off should help a lot! I can't speak to anyone else's specific financial situation but that's been the resounding advice I got from friends prior to quitting my job. Always happy to chat more if you want on the topic of an adult gap year!

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May 14Liked by Isabella Chiu

That makes sense. I am currently on my gap year & it is the best gift I have given to myself! I am going nuts with setting myself up for mini goals, but in a good way! I still haven't figured out how to confidently respond to the question "so, what do you do?" My answer is usually "I am on a career break!". Thanks for the response - Would love to stay in touch - Alisha.

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